Category: Personal Development
Just How Stupid is Career Planning?
If you are like me, you were taught the importance of career planning. What we were taught was wrong. Let’s examine why. I remember sessions in school when we looked at career possibilities and discussed, for those of us who were heading towards what in those days was considered a career, how to craft a…
Has the Workplace Pendulum Swung The Other Way?
Photo by LYCS Architecture on Unsplash Covid had unexpected impacts on the workforce and the changes are not going to go away, nor should they Over my lifetime I have seen a major swing in workplace relations, from significant power in the hands of workers because of widespread and often legally enforced unionism, to the recent years of…
The Benefits of Having Diverse Friends and How to Learn from Them
I am blessed with having friends of all sorts, from so many countries, religions, ethnicities, experience and professions. There are values in such diversity that you may not expect. [caption id="attachment_883" align="aligncenter" width="1400"] Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash[/caption]